John Rework
Posted August 24, 2014 at 8:01 pm
Yesterday I really screwed up my neck so I wasn't able to sit for a super long period of time, i.e.: Zombie Roomie strips take a long, long time for me to do... For those interested, I was in a car and we hit a big bump which tossed me around and the top of my head impacted the roof of the car jarring and compressing my neck. It was a pretty big bump as I'm over three hundred pounds and over six foot six inches... so yeah. I've taken several courses of Excedrin, but the muscles and stuff in my neck are still super sore. Which led me to this update... So after Friday's comic I really hated how John looked and I knew I wanted to work on him to update his look and fix some things that I haven't liked with his design for a while. I think he's a lot more passable now in this update and I'll be able to work with his design and not hate drawing him in strips for a while again. I included his first appearance, his first major redesign, his last appearance (from Friday) along with the update so you guys could see a bit of his evolution in one image. I've mentioned it a few times before, but when I started ZR I didn't design the characters to care about three dimensionality. They were just shapes... But as I've continued to work on the comic these almost five years, I've changed my stance on how I want the style of the comic to be... along with my style and evolution as a cartoonist. I'm hopeful that my neck will be better soon, but if it's not I might just do more character updates this week.