Origin - part 26
Posted August 13, 2018 at 12:00 am
Sorry this is later than it should be, but we ended up getting some good news that delayed things.

Viviane got an interview for a receptionist position at the emergency vet clinic and was hired the same day. She was then called to come in a day early to start her training immediately (the day this comic went up). So we ended up having to go shopping to buy her work clothes since she needed a bunch of new clothes that were professional enough (no jeans or logo tees-- which has basically been what she's worn since I've known her).

So shopping and running errands related took me out of my groove which was already a bit messed with due to other work that I have to do... so I just now managed to get this out to you.

But we're feeling good that she got this position and we think she's going to do well with it.
Tags: John